The latest Hatched news and

Every now and then we like to jump on our soap box and tell you what we reckon. From workplace culture and ways of working to the future of digital and how to plan for change.

Click on the links below to access our latest meanderings.

    • 11 July 2024

    An introvert’s guide to navigating the extroverted media world

    Media companies need to recognise and support introverts in the workplace by tailoring development plans and communication methods. Doing so will enhance productivity and staff retention. Adriana Santoro explains.

    • 5 August 2024

    It's easier than you think to start making a sustainability difference

    Don't be paralysed by the enormity of the task at hand. Here's what you can do now to make a genuine difference and why you don’t want to put it off. Stephen Fisher and Tim Hodgson explain.

    • 11 June 2024

    Agencies need to stand up for better briefs

    The onus is on agencies as much as marketers to develop better briefs. The stakes are too high not to. Regan Hancock explains.

    • 25 March 2024

    Media is like a bit like a dance and like any routine, it’s always stronger in numbers

    In the Account Madness series for AdNews, Hatched's Jemma Diamond explains her approach to client management.

    • 9 February 2024

    Performance Media needs a rebrand

    Performance media needs a rebrand. In recent years, the role of performance has changed. It’s now full-funnel, harnessing AI, and leading advertising innovation. Yet plenty of people maintain a perception of performance and the people who manage it that’s out of step.

    • 14 December 2023

    Here's why agencies should be supporting side hustles

    Rather than a distraction from the ‘real’ work, side hustles bring new skills and an entrepreneurial mindset. And that can only be a good thing for media agencies.

    • 4 December 2023

    Hatched creates identity solution Hatched iD

    Hatched has created an identity solution, Hatched iD, to better reach existing and new audiences, drive engagement and ultimately effectiveness.

    • 2 August 2023

    The retail laws of unintended consequence

    From the aftermath of brutal honesty to the fallout of promotions that are too successful, the retail landscape is littered with examples of unintended consequences. Simon Porter recalls his most memorable.

    • 5 July 2023

    Hatched partners with My Net Zero to offset office and WFH carbon emissions

    Hatched CEO Stephen Fisher: “These issues are important to our Hatchlings, and we’re proud to champion them”

    • 11 July 2023

    Is AI people and culture friend or foe?

    The use of AI in people management is catching on. Leaders are spending way too much time in the work instead of giving time to the role they play culturally in inspiring and developing the brightest minds of the future.

    • 20 June 2023

    Hatched grows People & Culture team by promoting Raesh Chail

    Hatched has expanded its people and culture team by appointing Raeshem Chail as People and Culture Manager.

    • 23 June 2023

    How agencies of all sizes can support parents

    Financially supporting parents on parental leave is important but there’s so much more agencies can be doing says Virginia Scully. Focusing on the skills parents develop during this transformative time can bring untold benefits to your business.

    • 17 April 2023

    The five questions you should ask your media agency

    The demise of cookies and the value of retailer first-party data have seen the industry explode.

    • 23 March 2023

    Do you have trusted partners to help you weather the storm?

    The current economic climate calls for partners that have skin in the game.

    • 14 February 2023

    We turned 10!

    We celebrated our 10th Birthday with a Perfect Match themed event at our offices in Windsor. Check out the pics!

    • 14 February 2023

    A match made in media heaven

    On the most loved-up day of the year, Hatched’s Lucy Seward asks what makes a great industry partnership.

    • 7 December 2022

    Forget 60:40. A looming recession and the rise of retail media is set to change the brand-activation ratio.

    Past recessionary periods saw marketers gravitate to quality, measurable channels. With the media landscape further shifting to accommodate increased investment in retail media, Hatched's Simon Porter says a brand versus activation swing is on the cards.

    • 9 November 2022

    Carbon calculator: If we’re serious about being more sustainable, are they enough?

    Tallying up the carbon impact of the ads we serve addresses only a portion of the total environmental impact of our industry. There are several other areas we also need to focus on.

    • 21 October 2022

    Why should you park your personality at the door in the media industry?

    For a new entrant to the industry, it looks like being yourself is key to getting ahead. It’s a throwback to years gone by to suggest otherwise.

    • 13 October 2022

    Look Sharp: We can't wait years for the US or UK to set attention standards.

    There's a lot of heated talk about attention and too little action, reckons Andrew Pascoe, Head of Planning at Hatched, an agency that has gone early and hard. While marketing science – and industry standards – can move slowly, the world and audiences are moving on. He thinks Australia should start its own attention body and make 2023 the year the industry figures out how to implement it.

    • 28 June 2022

    Words at work: Its time to rethink how we speak to our colleagues

    Language is a key factor in fostering a more diverse and inclusive workplace. So what steps can you take to identify language that makes people in your business uncomfortable and change it?

    • 7 June 2022

    People first versus client first. How agencies can strike the right balance.

    The agency north star has long been to put clients first but with an increased focus on employee wellbeing, the needs of teams is also high on the agenda. So how can agency leaders satisfy both requirements?

    • 3 May 2022

    Ditch the productivity guilt: The workaholic’s guide to finding a hybrid working rhythm

    After two years of working productively from home, being back in the office feels like it’s impacting our output but perhaps we need to reframe our thinking. Kimberley Leopoldo explains.

    • 28 April 2022

    Is marketing’s reliance on social media compromising our ability to capture attention in the future?

    Hatched's Head of Digital, Data and Tech, Rebecca Den Braber asks if we are sustainably tapping into people’s attention by aligning with social media platforms or could we be putting our future marketing efforts at risk?

    • 29 March 2022

    Whose responsibility is it to set the ground rules for agency collaboration?

    Hatched's Head of Planning, Andrew Pascoe shares his views on why marketer-led rules of engagement are the best way to produce effective working relationships between agencies.

    • 25 March 2022

    The ad industry's mental health is going to get worse before it gets better.

    Prior to Covid, more than half the people in our industry were facing mental health challenges, a figure which is sure to have increased in the past two years. Virginia Scully explains how we can all make a difference.

    • 15 February 2022

    Starting a Media Agency with no Media Agency Experience

    Hear Hatched founder, Jack Byrne, chat with David Angell about starting a media agency with no media agency experience on the Managing Marketing podcast. Jack talks about starting Hatched, the value of being independent, his emphasis on people and plans for the future. Jack told us to listen as a way to get to sleep later, but we think its much more interesting!

    • 7 February 2022

    Why compassion will be the most important leadership trait in a post-COVID media world

    Hatched's Mario Bergmann believes that compassion above all else is the key to effective leadership.

    • 8 December 2021

    How to navigate the year of the “unknown unknowns”

    A great many “unknown unknowns” have marketers second-guessing their 2022 strategy but despite the uncertainty, Hatched’s Stephen Fisher and Adrian Roeling say now is the time to stay the course.

    • 2 December 2021

    Hatched’s Rae Chail on a better way to approach Diversity & Inclusion

    It’s great that organisations are making noise about embracing diversity and being more inclusive. But the danger is that that’s all it is: noise.

    • 22 November 2021

    Our secret weapon to safeguard against the Great Resignation

    There’s been a flurry of activity in recent weeks as agencies redefine flexible working, leave entitlements and even attempt to lure home Aussies abroad. At Hatched, we’re taking a different approach.

    • 11 October 2021

    Four things marketers must get about attention metrics.

    Hatched client, Karl Winther tells us four things marketers must get about attention metrics

    • 6 October 2021

    What is behind Australia’s ad-spend trajectory?

    Can Australia's strong ad spend trajectory continue? Hatched’s Adrian Roeling talks to CMO about what is behind the strong ad-spend trajectory.

    • 28 September 2021

    Hatched puts attentionTRACE at the heart of planning

    Hatched puts attentionTRACE at the heart of planning. “We see this as a seismic shift, because if you're planning around active or passive attention, you're fundamentally shifting key objectives.”

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